Change of perspective: How young talents see logistics
At Skyline Express, we have been focusing on intensive training for our junior staff for many years. Young talents are given insights into all departments and can later specialise in air freight, sea freight or land transport. The back office or sales also offer exciting tasks that challenge young talents. To ensure that we continue to attract motivated junior staff to our company in the future, we take a close look at the requirements, needs and goals of potential employees. This also includes analysing studies such as the Logistics Initiative Hamburg (LIHH). This provides interesting results, such as:
- 82.5 per cent of trainees in logistics have a positive outlook on the future.
- 57 percent of the apprentices surveyed would like to see more importance attached to digital and transformative key competences - in vocational school but also in the company.
- 40 percent of the junior staff listen to the advice of their parents or friends when they are looking for a potential employer. Instagram, TikTok & Co. remain important, of course, but do not replace classic word-of-mouth.
So we are well on the way at Skyline with the digitalisation of important processes. But that is by no means everything. Here you can find out exactly what an apprenticeship at Skyline Express offers you.