Skyline Express wins IHK Digit Competition

Digitalization is changing the way we all live and work. The dynamic logistics sector in particular uses digital tools and technologies. But what does this mean for our company in concrete terms? How can we optimize knowledge transfer, simplify the onboarding of new employees and support each other with an intensive exchange of experience? Questions to which our trainees found answers as part of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce competition Dig:it Teams Lippe 2021/22. With success! Because with their concept of the digital knowledge platform "Wikispedia" our trainees won first place! And quite rightly so. The platform enables our team to exchange information and expertise, take advantage of agile project management methods such as Scrum, and reduce paper consumption even more than before. A great project that will continue in our company even after the end of the competition!


Das Gewinnerteam von Skyline Express präsentiert den Sieger-Scheck

Bildunterschrift (v.l.n.r.): Das Gewinnerteam von Skyline Express präsentiert den Sieger-Scheck. Im Hintergrund stehen Jurymitglieder und Projektkoordinator: Stephan Westerdick (Vizepräsident der IHK Lippe), Matthias Böttcher (Referent für Technologietransfer bei der IHK Lippe), Holger Wehmeyer (Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold), Christoph Vieregge (Sparkasse Lemgo), Dr. Benedikt Nolte (Institut für Wirtschaft und Technik), Andreas Sawatzki (WJ Lippe)



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